Saturday, July 28, 2018

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

              I really have to say that it is sad to see how microaggression can really hurt a person’s feelings.  This past week I had some friends visit from California and we decided to go shopping.  There was a total of six of us all Hispanic women at Macy's store.  We were looking around a laughing and making jokes as we looked at clothes and our girls kept saying you should were that and we would say no we are to old for that type of clothes.  To make a long story short a lady came over to asked us if we needed help or if there was something in particular we were looking for.  My friend and I replied at the same time “just looking thank you” she stepped away, but my daughter noticed that she went to the register and got on the phone and as she spoke to someone she was looking directly at us.  Next thing we see is some guy dressed in regular clothes playing along as he was looking for clothes however every time we moved he would follow us and pretend he was looking at clothes as well.  My daughter got really upset and asked him if he was following us.  He was really surprised and didn’t know what to respond.  He then said that he had gotten a call that perhaps some shoplifting was going around that area.   I was so mad that I asked for the manager.  The guy got very defensive and wouldn’t call the manager.  So, I walked to a register and asked for the manager on duty.  Well the manager seemed to be so busy that he could not take the time to come and meet with me.  I asked the clerk if I could get on the phone with him and she told the manager that I wanted to speak to him.  I went on to tell him how I have been a customer of theirs for over 15 years and that I had a credit card with them in excellent status and that I always shopped with them.  I also told him that I had guest over and we decided to come to shop to my favorite store and that by being treated this way I would never step foot at any Macy’ store.  The manager tried to defend the clerk that had called security and the security guard.  Then he went on to tell me that he apologized for the confusion but that lately several Hispanic women were caught shop lifting at another Macy's store.  I was beyond mad by this point because he didn’t make us feel welcome but him mentioning that to me was beyond acceptable.  Why would anyone generalize that just because we are Hispanic we are all thief’s? 
            We left the store unbelievable filled with many emotions.  It made me think about what Dr. Sue said that racial microaggressions could be intentionally or unintentionally communicated.  I can surely say that because we were seen as Hispanic women we were labeled right away and to me that was done intentionally.  The way I experienced this racial microaggression really affected my perception on how prejudices and discrimination are very existing.  I was upset but more sadden to know that we are stereotyped and labeled.       

1 comment:

  1. Hello Janet,
    Its sad that you can't even go in a store and shop without someone accusing you of stealing. You handled it very good because if that was me in that situation I don't know if I could of been that calm. I personally feel that it is sad towards the ways we are being judge everyday. I feel as humans that we should all stick together as one. I also personally feel that we should work together as a team to help build another person up instead of talking down on another person.Thanks for sharing your experience within regards to microaggression.


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