Saturday, October 27, 2018

Many Thanks to Dr. Parrish and all my Colleagues at EDUC 6165

I have to thank everyone for all their input and support during the last eight weeks.  The valuable support of everyone has made me grow in so many different ways but more importantly on my communication, collaboration and listening skills.  I hope to stay connected through our blogs or please feel free to email me at anytime

I sincerely hope to see you again in future courses at Walden.

Best Wishes,


Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Adjourning Phase

Adjourning is the stage in which a project is coming to an end and the team members are moving off into different directions.  Sometimes when a group has built a knit group sadness is felt when separating and moving on to other projects. (Abudi, 2010).

                 I can remember working on my bachelors and making great friends.  These are the friends that I made while working in groups in several of the classes we took together.  It was very sad to say goodbye to many of them because I knew that they were moving back home, and it would not be the same again.  I know that I made it through graduation because of them and I many times we said that to each other.  We were there for each other through thick and thin and we supported each other with no judgements.  I believe that the high-performing group was the hardest to leave because that is where we built the strongest relationships and became friends as well.  

                The closing rituals we went through was shopping for our graduation clothes, having dinners, graduation night we took many pictures, we had a dinner after graduation and in the morning we all got together for breakfast.  It was hard to say good-bye to each other. We cried, hugged, and laughed at the same time. 

                I feel that online education is so much different because we don’t see people face to face so sometimes building relationships is harder.  I do have to say that I have taken several courses with the same students and I have followed their blogs and discussion and I have to say that I have enjoyed as well as I have learned from them.  So, saying good-bye to following their posts will be hard because I will no longer hear their voices through their writing.

Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Resolving Conflict

I recently had a conflict or I would say more of a misunderstanding with my husband about something that was not really worth getting into an argument about.  In studying this week’s material and the 3 R’s of Respect, Response, and Relationship it made me think about how me knowing these 3 R’s before our conflict I know that I would have handled things differently.  This week I have gone through and eye opening in reminding me that I should treat people as I want to be treated.  Respect is shown to treat people as you would like to be treated so I know that from now on I will remember to treat my husband as I want to be treated.  Also, relationship came to mind because having a positive relationship with my husband will lead to a healthier and positive kinship between the both of us. 

I am actually the type of person that will avoid any type of conflict except when it comes to my husband and not agreeing on something.  I know that my husband and I can have very productive conflicts what will allow us to exchange our ideas and clarify how we both think and at the end we help each other with coming up with a resolution that we both are happy with.  Ultimately, I believe that we must handle a conflict with respect and this is when I can surely say that NVC will help with expressing our inner guide to dialogue without blaming or judging others. 

EDUC -6990 Capstone Week 8

Time Well Spent       As I reflect on my educational throughout every course, I took at Walden University I believe it was all a tim...