Saturday, June 30, 2018

Learning About the International Early Childhood Field

I found this last eight weeks that collaborating with my colleagues has many benefits as we grow in this profession as the learning was enriched by their new insights.  The course took me on a journey in which a very much took to heart because coming from a Hispanic background, a minority and a woman learning of the field in early childhood internationally helped me in my personal development.  I learned that poverty affects the education of children and the opportunities are limited for these children.  Poverty really affects the child’s development physically, socially, and emotionally.  I believe that the lack of education of parents as well as the social injustices has affected many families all over the world.   
                Three areas that I believe I learned form the international early childhood field are awareness, being sensitive, and knowing how to appreciate other cultures.  We need to become aware that there are many children living in poverty and that overall will affect their healthy development.  At the same time, we must become sensitive to the hardships of these children living in poverty and find ways to support them by connecting them with organization that can help them.  Finally, it is important to appreciate all walks of life no matter their background and customs.  

                One goal that I would like to work on is building relationships with the community and getting involved.  It is also important to get families involved in the community, so they can learn and understand that they have the support of many.  As an educator I believe that it is vital for us to get involved with the community so families can also see the importance of being part of a community.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Professional Development

I like to explore and go into the Arizona Department of Education website to become informed about things that are happening with education in the state.  One area that is a hot topic this summer is an “Early Childhood Special Education Summer Summit”.   I read so much about early childhood but one area I feel that is left out is special education programs for children in early childhood.   I believe that these children also need quality programs and professional that are well trained.  I like the fact that their focus with this training offered to professional will help them design and deliver as well as build programs for all children – inclusion of all children.  


My Professional Hopes

I come from a diverse background and I love diversity and appreciate all backgrounds of life.  We can learn so much from diverse cultures and from the customs of people.  Being able to understand them in their own unique way is important to build a partnership and a sense of community.   Everyone must have a voice and be heard to express as well as celebrate their culture and background.

 My Professional Goals

My professional goal is to learn as much as I can on the profession of early childhood education and share my knowledge by teaching other professionals that want to teach children.  I would like to provide instruction to future teachers in the field of early childhood, so they can also impact children lives as they become the future leaders of our country.  In addition, my passion is to reach out to professional as they also learn to celebrate and embrace diversity, so every child can be given the same opportunity to learn no matter what their background is.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Sharing Web Resources

As I explored Care website I came across the page Women & Children in Emergencies.  It was sad to learn that when there are disasters like earthquakes, floods, any natural disaster the need for medical care, shelter and food are the greatest need so human trafficking becomes a real problem and who suffer are women and children.  Women that are pregnant face dangerous deliveries while girls become the target of sexual harassment and rape.   What Care organization is trying to do if put a special focus and women and girls when natural disasters come about.  I really like how Care is trying to include gender into emergency responses this way they have a balance between men, women, boys and girls. 

I found that Care is really focusing on helping and supporting gender equality and making sure that women and girls are protected.   They are providing equity in restoring women and girl as well as families to recover and fulfill their potential.

EDUC -6990 Capstone Week 8

Time Well Spent       As I reflect on my educational throughout every course, I took at Walden University I believe it was all a tim...